In-Kind Donations
“I love this community and its mission. I can’t think of a better way than to spend my golden years with such a supportive and appreciative community.”
We always need supplies and various equipment for our operations.
If you have office supplies, books of stamps, clean or unused durable medical equipment, gift cards, tickets to community events, or other items you think we could use, just call the Center at 503-288-8303 or email us at to see if they are items we can accept. Our Amazon Wish List is a great place to find and purchase needed items for CFPA. Thank you in advance for your support! Please contact us before bringing in your donation.
Our list of accepted donations:
Durable medical equipment for The Medical Equipment Loan Closet. Please note that we only accept equipment in clean and perfect working condition for the next user.
Food gift cards: Fred Meyer, Safeway, Trader Joe’s, or Whole Foods to purchase healthy foods for community meals.
Gift cards and/or new gifts for monthly raffles, birthdays, and special events
Tickets to community events, such as sporting events, theater, concerts, and museums
Magazine and newspaper subscriptions
Tablecloths and linens for meals and celebrations
Pots and pans
Can openers
Coffee, decaf coffee, cups, sugar, creamers, decaf tea
Paper goods (towels, cups, plates, napkins, bowls toilet paper)
Arts & crafts supplies (markers, crayons, scissors, glue, paint, etc.)
Office supplies: books of stamps, reams of paper, paperclips, tape, ink pens, dry-erase markers, regular markers, etc.
In-Kind Services
Professional service donations support our operations on a daily basis, ranging from creative marketing and fundraising support to technical and building trades. Graphic design and printing for brochures, fliers and other materials, grant application writing, consulting, contracting and home repair services are all examples of in-kind services we are grateful to receive. If you’d like to donate services, please contact