Information & Assistance Specialist
Available by phone or appointment
Our specialist is here to help you evaluate your options and get the information you need. Have questions about housing, caregiver needs, transportation, or something else?
Call or email to connect with our team.
From our Foot Care Clinic to our Durable Medical Equipment Program, CFPA is committed to providing health programs and services to support positive aging.
Foot Care Clinic
1st, 2nd, & 3rd Wednesdays: 9:00 AM–2:00 PM
Most Fridays: 9:00 AM-4:00 PM
45-minute appointments
To make an appointment for foot care:
call 503-288-8303 or email
Skilled nurses provide nail care, foot massage, and sanding of calluses and corns. Please bring two towels.
Durable Medical Equipment
Do you need some medical equipment such as walkers, wheelchairs, canes, shower chairs or incontinence products? Drop by or call to see what we have available!
We also gladly accept donations of medical equipment in good condition. Call us to see what equipment we are currently accepting.
Please note we can never accept commodes, even if new, or electric wheelchairs.
Contact our front desk at 503-288-8303.
At The Community for Positive Aging, we offer a variety of transportation assistance programs for regular TriMet users, LIFT users, and riders who have special needs.
We also offer Fare Relief Assistance for both regular TriMet and LIFT users. We provide limited bus tickets and passes for those who meet financial and other guidelines.
To find out if you are eligible for fare relief, please call:
Kathleen Sillonis
Transportation Coordinator
503-288-8303, ext. 106
If you are Lift user and you want to know if you are eligible for fare relief, call:
Rylie Thayer
Lift Transportation Coordinator
503-288-8303, ext. 123
In-Person Technology Troubleshooting
Get one-on-one guidance in understanding your electronic device. Please bring your electronic device and charging cord.
To schedule an appointment for Tech help:
Call the Community for Positive Aging at 503-288-8303 or email
Drop In Tech support is available on Mondays 9-11 AM with Sue R. No Appointments Required.
45-minute in-person appointments available at the Center on Tuesdays from 9:15–10 AM & 11:30 AM–12:15 PM.
60-minute in-person appointments available at the Center on Thursdays from 1-2 PM & 2-3 PM.
Tech Help
Get one-on-one help with our Tech Ambassadors.
Portland Youth
Builders Workshops
Portland Youth Builders offers computer workshops on topics such as paying bills online, using gmail or avoiding scams. Students and staff will be onsite to help troubleshoot issues and answer your device- related questions.
Come in person to the Center. Registration requested. Call the Community for Positive Aging at 503-288-8303 or email
Next workshop will be on Friday, February 9th from 11 AM - 12 PM, and the topic for the workshop will be online safety & avoiding scams.
Information & Assistance Specialist
Available by phone or appointment
Our specialist is here to help you evaluate your options and get the information you need. Have questions about housing, caregiver needs, transportation, or something else?
Call or email to connect with our team
Senior Law
The Senior Law Project
Attend Senior Law and get personalized assistance with legal issues.
Every Friday from 9:00 AM–12:00 PM (additional appointments from 12:30-4:00 PM available occasionally). Legal Aid Services of Oregon and affiliated volunteer attorneys offer Multnomah County residents ages 60 and older, FREE 30-minute legal appointments on Fridays.
To make an appointment, call the Community for Positive Aging at 503-288-8303.
Other Resources: SHIBA
SHIBA certified counselors provide local and confidential one-on-one help for Oregonians who have questions about Medicare.
Go to SHIBA's Website
Tax Preparation
The Community for Positive Aging offers in-person tax assistance through CASH Oregon at Hollywood Senior Center. Trained volunteers are on hand to help you prepare simple tax returns and answer any tax-related questions you may have. This is a seasonal program available February 1–April 1st.
Appointments become available in mid-January and are on the following days:
9:00–10:15 AM
10:15 AM–11:30 AM
11:30 AM–12:45 PM
1:30-2:45 PM
2:45–4:00 PM
1:30–2:45 PM
2:45–4:00 PM
9:00–10:15 AM
10:15 AM–11:30 AM
11:30 AM–12:45 PM
1:30-2:45 PM
2:45–4:00 PM
To make an appointment during tax season for tax assistance, call the Community for Positive Aging at 503-288-8303. Appointments will be available starting January 29th, 2024.
The appointments will be released every two weeks, so if you are not able to make an appointment for the first two weeks, there will be many different opportunities to make an appointment up until our last day of appointments on Thursday, April 11th,2024.
Energy Assistance
This program assists low-income households to make their energy costs more affordable. It also helps prevent the loss and the restoration of home energy service. Payments are made to the utility company on the customer’s behalf.
This is a seasonal program and is generally only available in the winter months.
Call at 503-288-8303Or, email: